Thursday, April 5, 2012

Why is there a Jiffy Lube next to Elvis' mansion????

We made it to Memphis, Tennessee by Thursday, 11/10/11, around 2pm, so we knew we didn't have much time to do Elvis things, so we had to prioritize Memphis and do it quickly. We decided that we would make a quick run to the Lorraine Motel, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated back in 1969, then we would run over to Sun Studios where Elvis and other great artists recorded and basically got their start. Jeff and I were able to pretend sing on the actual microphone that Elvis used back in the day, exactly on the spot where he recorded, so that was SPECIAL (sounding like the Church Lady there). In case you guys didn't know, Jeff and I are the karaeoke king and queen! (Not new info for our friends who have attended our karaeoke parties in LA!!) Anyhow, we also wanted to hit Beale St. and then of course go to Graceland, but by the time we headed over to Graceland and saw just the outside of it, we decided to go back to Beale St. instead. Have you ever been to Graceland? Talk about a disappointment! I mean, it looks completely run down! There is a Jiffy Lube on one side of it and a McDonald's on the other, and graffiti all over the wall from fans who have visited there, which is nice and all, but really, it looks very trashy...Elvis must be turning over in his grave...or maybe not! I hear from how Elvis decorated the joint that maybe he put the Jiffy Lube there himself! And we know he CERTAINLY put the McDonald's there!! Anyhow, after spending enough time there (ten minutes) then we went back to Beale St. to grab a bite to eat and hear some cool music at a honky tonk bar. It was pretty cool, but coming from experience, some which I may not remember quite that well, it was NOWHERE near as cool as the Sunset Strip in Hollywood during the late 80's...sorry Memphis!! So we got back in the RV sometime that night and drove a bit more through Tennessee and found some random RV park in the middle of nowhere that we pulled into for the night. It was a long rock and roll day!!

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