Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Site-An incredible Memorial!

So after we took some pictures of Jeff's war wounds against the TINO to post just for you, we got him all bandaged up (Jeff, not Tino), and attempted again to get on the road. (See Tino...he really is a cutie pie and not as sinister as he appears!) We finally got to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial and we were in awe of how it was laid out, with the reflecting pool representing the actual building that got blown up. The chairs on the lawn represent each person that got killed that day, and are placed according to where each person was in the building at the time of the bombing. It really was an amazing place and beautifully done. We went into the museum where they have an actual recording of the bombing, and just as you hear the bomb go off, pictures of all the victims flash across the screen of the room you sit in at the museum. It was eerie and so moving at the same time; not a dry eye in the house. The museum was done so well. It was a pretty amazing and emotional experience, and I recommend you go see it.
So after what turned out to be a very emotional day, we drove straight into Arkansas, hoping to avoid tornadoes that we heard about on the news. Jeff kept saying not to worry about the tornadoes, and luckily for us he was right...I was still a wreck from driving through the snow storms in northern Arizona! We found a gorgeous RV park on a lake, and decided to pull in and hook up for the night (the RV that is!) The next day we would be heading into Memphis, where we knew we would be checking out anything and everything ELVIS! Sun Studios, here we come!!

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